I would like to post some pictures from YOUR summer (or perhaps winter if you're south of the equator) outings, vacations, backyard gathering, family reunion, hikes, balcony shots which captured God's creation. You know the type of shot -- where you wonder how an unbeliever can view the scene and still deny God's very existence. Pictures may include people, nature or anything you think fits the bill. I will share photos in an upcoming +Ponderings+ entry so please include any information you wish to share.
Please send pics to catholicponderings@yahoo.com . I will be in 'God's country' (Adirondack Mountains in New York) for eight days with my family and will share some of those with you as well.
Get out there and get those pics! Cellphone shots certainly may be included!
What a great picture. I will have to see if I can dig out some winter ones and post them to you.
I love it up in the Adirondacks. We can't get up there this year - but we've gone so many times. Beautiful picture!
The Adirondacks are my favorite getaway! God bless your visit. I will gladly send a photo or two...
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