Monday, September 21, 2009

Dan Brown, Masonry and the Catholic Church

Photo: AFP
See other +Ponderings+ on Freemasonry, including a book review HERE.

From Rome Reports:

Dan Brown gained unprecedented worldwide fame by mixing together elements like the Holy Grail, Leonardo da Vinci, and Opus Dei, or the Conclave, antimatter and the city of Rome. Now hes trying his luck with Washington, D.C., masonry and a third secret element.

No one knows if this third element has anything to do with the Catholic Church.

Dan Brown probably knows that the Catholic Church does not allow its members to be part of masonry, and if someone does they could be excommunicated.

The first papal document to prohibit membership in masonry was drafted in 1738, just 21 years after masonry was born. The Church has confirmed this position in 12 other official documents. The last one was signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1983.

The documents state that masonry and Catholicism are not compatible. Apart from the anti-clericalism that has characterized the masons, masonry considers absolute truths to be non-existent, and it puts all religions on the same level. To them, Jesus was a great teacher like Buddha or Zoroaster.

No surprise, Dan Brown is quite sympathetic toward Freemasonry. In an interview for CBC in Canada, Mr. Brown had this to say about the Masons:

"I have enormous respect for the Masons," Brown said. "In the most fundamental terms, with different cultures killing each other over whose version of God is correct, here is a worldwide organization that essentially says, 'We don't care what you call God, or what you think about God, only that you believe in a god and let's all stand together as brothers and look in the same direction."'

As the 'Church Lady' from Saturday Night Live used to say, "Well, isn't that special."


Anonymous said...

"'We don't care what you call God, or what you think about God, only that you believe in a god and let's all stand together as brothers and look in the same direction."'"

How about those who don't believe in a god?

It's about time that this mason-lover comes out of the closet.

~Dr. K

Kelly said...

Dr. K,

Perhaps Mr. Brown thinks that those who don't believe in a god are also looking 'in the same direction'? What he does not realize is that they are probably heading in the same direction - eternally speaking.